Friday, 23 November 2007

The Continuing Denegration Of Fathers

If you have heard of Fathers4Justice, and are curious as to why they are so loud, and so angry as a protest group, you need go no further than the following BBC News report to find out why...

This is the country we are living in, just about the only place in the world where the state officially sanctions the notion, the idea, the ideological belief that fathers are irrelevant to their children and have no rights, only responsibilities towards those children. There is no relationship anymore between case law regarding the rights of fathers and the natural law governing the rights (and of course, responsibilities) of fathers. I ask you, what have we become as a society, when we allow secret courts to make decisions about children and parents, and we allow open courts to inform the nation that fathers are meaningless entities, just cash machines for mothers?

Feel free to comment as always - this is one place where open debate is most welcome. But please, no insults and no abuse - i.e., keep it civilised please.


Anonymous said...

This is why i tend to keep my head buried in the sand and focus on music and exercise all my waking hours. Whenever i look up and notice anything the gov't is doing, i find it really depressing.
I agree, it is despicable.
So, got those gym passes yet?

taciturngrasshopper said...

lentil soup ftw