Thursday, 3 January 2008

Jenny Owen Youngs...and her Mum!

I recently decided I'd do a little online shopping. It was Boxing Day (26th Dec.), and I thought - 'I need a t-shirt, a poster and other assorted goodies.' Being Boxing Day, I wasn't going to trawl around the shops with the masses either, so I thought, heck, I'll do it online.

I hit the usual websites - Threadless and so forth, and just wasn't seeing anything that stood out for me. So I thought I'd see if Jenny Owen Youngs, one of my favourite singers had anything worth purchasing, and by crikey, she does indeed have loads of great stuff. I picked up the following t-shirt:

a whole bunch of badges and stickers...and a delightful poster, with Jenny holding a shark on it.

All marvellous apparal and the total selection of stuff, a t-shirt, a poster, 4 badges and two stickers came in at just £13.36. Bargain.

Unremarkable I hear you say? Well, yes I suppose. But here's the good bit. My purchase arrives just 4 days later, all the way from Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania, to my home in Bolton, Lancashire and it turns out I've never been so well treated and attended to in my life! When Parcel 1 arrived, it was filled not just with my t-shirt and badges etc., but with a gazillion little miniature fish, some extra stickers and badges, a temporary tattoo (classic!!!) and a personal note of thanks from none other than Jenny Owen Young's mum, Roxie!!! Suffice to say, I was absolutely chuffed and have e-mailed her to say a really big thank you to her for caring about her customers.

Then today, Parcel 2 arrived, containing my poster, some more fishies, a cute little toy shark and another warm and friendly message from Pennsylvania! To top it off, Jenny Owen Youngs has gone to the trouble of signing the poster too!

It is so very nice when people go the extra mile to please you. I feel that Jenny deserves a special mention and especially her mum too, who is obviously working real hard with her daughter. I've said before on this blog just how talented J.O.Y. is; now I can also say that she's a real class act as a person too and I can see she gets that class from her mum Roxie.

There aren't any pic's of Jenny's mum on the old internet, so I will settle for putting another Jenny pic up on here (I'm sure no-one will mind seeing Jenny's pretty face adorning my blogpage!). If you do nothing else musically all year, do this - listen to Jenny Owen Youngs. Go watch her play when she comes to your part of the world and if you can afford it (and it's certainly well priced and high quality!) buy a whole load of her merchandise. The t-shirt is super-comfy and the 'I got knocked up by Jenny Owen Youngs' message on the one I bought drew it's fair share of admirers and questions!

Long Live Jenny & Family!

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